jk's nws&blg

zážitky, postřehy, názory

kvíz 2008 – výrok dne


tankVýrok dne „Jak já se mám, proboha, jako tankista vyznat ve fakturách a poznat, že je někdo falšuje?“ v souvislosti s korupčním skandálem v armádním gen. štábu pronesl: a) vojín tankista 41. mechanizovaného praporu, b) svobodník tankista 72. mechanizovaného praporu, c) tehdejší náčelník generálního štábu pavel štefka. :-)

zařazeno v kategorii nws&blg

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StripTV, díl 239: Gambáčliga


  • HLÁŠKA (1 z 593)
    -And you're my wife's lover? -No. -Then what are you doing here? I know you. You're the guy from the gym. -I'm not here representing HardBodies. -Oh, yes. I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today. -No, I don't represent that either. -Yeah. You're the guy at the gym when I asked about that moronic woman. -She's not a moron. -You're in league with that moronic woman. You are part of a league of morons. -No. No. -Oh, yes. You see, you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. My whole fucking life. But guess what... Today, I win. (shots him dead)
    - Osbourne Cox a Ted Treffon (Burn After Reading)
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