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Přirození si urovnává egyp…


Přirození si urovnává egyptský prezident Mursí během přijetí australské premiérky. Prostě, když mursíš, tak mursíš. http://t.co/PxyBKMGY

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StripTV, díl 239: Gambáčliga


  • HLÁŠKA (1 z 593)
    -There's an odd-looking character over there. And here to the right, that chap over there. That colored gentleman over there with the girl. See those two girls there? Do you know them? Why don't you just unobtrusively... see if you can find out who they are, how they got here... who invited them, and come back and let me know. -Sure thing. (...) They're with Mr. Berger. -Mr. Berger? -Yeah. -Who's Mr. Berger? -I don't know.
    - strýc a Steve (Hair)
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