jk's nws&blg

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Kdy je víkend? V pondělí? V úterý?


Je normalni TV, ktera vysila VIKEND v PONDELI a pak ho presune – na UTERY?!? Ja vim, ja vim… Ja jen, ze to na me zas vybaflo z programu :o

zařazeno v kategorii média, nws&blg, twitter

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StripTV, díl 239: Gambáčliga


  • HLÁŠKA (1 z 593)
    After a near miss on the plane / You swear you'll never fly again / After the first kiss when you make up / You swear you'll never break up again / And when you've just run a red light / Sit shaking under the street light / You swear to yourself you'll never drink and drive again
    - Roger Waters (Four Minutes)
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