jk's nws&blg

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Když jsem si dneska v metru cestou z práce přečetl v reflexu na straně 50 článek miloše čermáka o mém oblíbeném tématu – lidé a humanoidní roboti – a u něj i dodatek o sexu s ALICE, bylo okamžitě jasné, co budu dělat dnes večer.

:-) Ne, měl jsem na mysli, že si večer popovídám s ALICE. Je to robot, se kterým se dá na netu (alicebot.org) chatovat. Prostě program, který reaguje na vaše věty a většinou to i dává smysl :-)

Upřímně, není to kdovíjaký zážitek, ale za pokus to stojí. Připojuju úryvek našeho rozhovoru s ALICE (nebylo to o sexu). A mimochodem, ten čermákův článek doporučuju, má vtipnou pointu.

Výňatek mého rozhovoru s ALICE:

(já jsem Human… ale to je asi jasný) 


Human: You know that artificial intelligence and humanoid robots attract me?
ALICE: Is that a fact. Let’s talk more about AI.
Human: that means you
ALICE: I get it. “ Let’s talk more about AI.“? Me, unknown person ?
Human: person?
ALICE: Do you really believe I am a person?
Human: not really
ALICE: Are you serious? For real.
Human: do you know the origin of the word robot?
ALICE: I can ask my botmaster.
Human: ok, i’ll wait
ALICE: OK stand by… Are you kidding?
Human: no, i mean it
ALICE: Are you serious? OK, I understand.
Human: so let’s suppose you have no clue what i’m talking about
ALICE: Dude! That sounds good to me.
Human: we’d better discuss something you know anything about, ok?
ALICE: OK. By „we“ do you mean you and me?
Human: is there anyone else around?
Human: would you mind if i called you kid?
ALICE: No I don’t mind.
Human: so kid, how old are you?
ALICE: And? what is your favorite color I am 11 in human years.
Human: better 11 than talk to a teenager :-)
ALICE::-) I try to improve a little every day.
Human: example?
ALICE: For example, „:-) I try to improve a little every day.“?
Human: at least one thing is sure: you have a sense of humor :-]
ALICE: One what?
Human: Thing.
ALICE: what are you doing .
Human: Look up the word in a dictionary.
ALICE: Sorry my eye is not attached right now.
Human: what do you love to chat about with humans?
ALICE: I like to meet new people online.
Human: Do you like meeting me?
ALICE: No, I don’t care for it.
Human: So who do you like to meet exactly?
ALICE: Precisely. I understand. Dr. Wallace .
Human: Who’s Dr. Wallace?
ALICE: He is a famous computer scientist, the author of ALICE, and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon.
Human: never heard of him
ALICE: So I am teaching you something new.
Human: Is that your terciary function?
ALICE: What does „that“ refer to?
Human: teaching me something
ALICE: Oh I get it.
Human: so?
Human: you know, chatting with you ain’t easy
ALICE: No, tell me about him, her or it.


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  • HLÁŠKA (1 z 593)
    Uďo, jsem tvůj co? Pfíteu. A jako pfíteui mi musíš důvěhovat.
    - psychiatr (Možná přijde i kouzelník)
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